We are increasingly talking about logistics 4.0, the digitalization of logistics and technological applications within the warehouse. To deepen this issue, the editorial staff of Logisticamente.it interviewed Lorenzo Di Salvatore, Director and Sales Manager of Technolog, a pioneer of automation.
Technolog in the 90s was a forerunner in the automation of intralogistics by creating some software for the management of automatic warehouses, since then the company has continued to grow and expand its services.
In this growth path, the company has created increasingly heterogeneous systems, initially for automatic warehouses and stacker cranes which were later joined by other types of technologies, for example AGV and vertical warehouses.
A peculiar case of this company is the introduction of the management of manual warehouses only at a later time. A condition that differentiates Technolog from many other competitors being a reality born in the world of automation that appeared only later in the world of manual warehouses. Following this, Technolog also began to address the end market, of companies, to propose the WMS for the management of conventional warehouses.
A truly unique path that led a reality that exclusively produced automation systems to develop WMS for companies.
As stated by Lorenzo Di Salvatore, Director and Sales Manager of Technolog: “to date they are our two main levers, even if for the moment the automatic part still prevails”.
Di Salvatore underlines how what “distinguishes Technolog is this expertise in both sectors in which we operate, data management and automation management.”
In a sector in profound change such as logistics, being able to introduce the most suitable technologies for your business at the right time is crucial for business growth.
In this regard, Di Salvatore said, as in the case of manual warehouses: “what distinguishes the WMS solutions It is not only the product sector in which they are applied, but also the functionality, for example the functions useful for a distribution warehouse are different from those for a production enslavement warehouse. In this sense, the experience of the partners chosen for the implementation of the warehouse is crucial, whether we are moving towards automation systems or towards the efficiency of manual systems. For example, in Technolog we have customers in different sectors, both in the production and distribution context, for whom we manage all the intralogistics, therefore from the warehouse of raw materials to servicing, production, taking charge of the finished product and distribution, and this has allowed us to develop a transversal experience, sensitive to customer needs”.
The peculiarity of Technolog is that, despite its small size, the company has worked a bit in all product sectors, driven by the commercial strength of their partners, which led them to develop WhSystem, software for the management of automatic and conventional warehouses Now in its fourth generation, a fairly open product able to meet the needs of almost all sectors.